Saturday, May 31, 2008

Not In Kansas Anymore

I, miz technophobe herself, am sitting outside a non-disclosed location in a state other than my own, hacking into someone's WiFi.

I'll be moved on before they catch me.

My husband the EGE, who is not very engineery on this weekend road trip, and the girls went to a park following the EGE's attendance of a memorial service. The baby and I snuck the Suburban out and sized up the neighborhoods for likely WiFi connections.

I feel so ... Tom Clancy-esque. Like a character in his books -- not as though I can write like him. For one thing, I've never been a lawyer. Or snuck around. Until today!

That's not quite true. I snuck around about seven years ago, before the birth of our second daughter.

HA HA HA ... that one sounded funny too.

What happened was, one day when Madeleine was a mere baby and I was on bed-rest (even funnier) with Sarah on board, I got a wild nesting instinct and rearranged the living room furniture.

At this time in my pregnancy the awesome friends from our small group at church were rotating bringing dinner every afternoon. Because, remember, I was on bedrest.

So when the EGE arrived home to see the new arrangement of couch, desk, chairs, etc., he made a little assumption that it must've been my friend Courtney who did the heavy lifting. Um. I, being overrun with hormones and possessing a double dose of mommy mush brain, fessed up to being the furniture mover.

He was upset. I was supposed to be avoiding early delivery, and I momentarily (and repeatedly) lost my sense. His verbal response is burned in my brain:

"When I was a kid, my mom never snuck around and moved the furniture while my Dad was at work."

I didn't think it was that sneaky. If I were sneaky, I'd have let him believe Courtney did the moving.

But today I have mastered a tiny (and technical!) sneakiness.

(I wonder if I should go buy a coffee card and leave it in these nice folks' mailbox to thank them for letting me check my blogs?)

I shall return to the family now.


Ei said...

You are too funny. Skip the coffee card, I tried that with the guy who helped me change a flat in October and his response? "Oh no, I don't drink coffee" So then I felt bad for not paying him back for the help AND being a caffeine addict.

They are probably perfect people anyway. ;)

Alexis said...

Are you applying for another one of those awards where we all laugh at your dirt? I mean first the lying about alcohol, and now, sneaking around and stealing??

My goodness... what next?

Barb Matijevich said...

I did that kind of sneaking around when I was pregnant with Jane.

You know, you could get a coffee card but the nice people will either have to hack into the WiFi there or PAY to use their computer if it's a Starbucks...

Please forget I said that if you just happen to be driving around Long Island, though. Because I LOVE me some Starbucks and our WiFi isn't encrypted.

Toni said...

My husband LOVES people who unknowingly share their wi-fi. Whenever he is out of town, he knows internet connection is just a click away. But then he started feeling guilty, and now he has one of those cellular cards you slip in your laptop.

AHHH, it feels good to be back in your neighborhood. Hope you have or have had a safe trip.

Katie said...

Kansas, eh? Didn't know they had WiFi out thar. hehe!

So, exactly how does one go about sneaking and hacking into one's WiFi anyway? Sounds interesting....sounds like too much sneaksin' for me.

'Those sneaksy, tricksy, little hobbitses, they can't have my Precious (WiFi), it's mine. My Precious (WiFi)!'

You sneaksy little hobbit you!!

Unknown said...

I pay for cable modem but for some reason unfathomable to me (I am not technical) my lptopPC chooses to log on top my neighbor's wi-fi connection instead. I feel guilty, but not enogh to figure out how to change it

Misty said...

thats hilarious... heck, if they leave their wifi unsecured than perhaps this is simply their way of reaching out to the poorer in wifi provisions...

TheOneTrueSue said...

Hee hee I usually plan my trip out and check for free wi-fi hot spots near where I'll be staying.

This time though, I'm getting ready to go out of town and my laptop is DEAD. It's DEAD. I don't know what I'm gonna do. I'm kind of panicking, to tell you the truth.