Back in high school and college, I won a lot of writing awards. I know, you could tell from my impeccable posts, huh? Some of these awards had money attached to them. I only mention this because Lexi has bestowed upon me the first-ever "Funny Post Victim" award. This has nothing to do with my writing, or my wittiness, but is of course based on her being able to be funny about me and how ridiculous I am. I'm happy to help. Plus, it's been a long time since I won anything.
Once I won a can of paint and a softball in the same day. That is not a joke. Another time I won the honor of riding with a really old guy (at the time, it seemed like it, but I'm sure he was in his 40s) in his convertible for a parade. Why I wrote an essay for that one is beyond my ability to remember.
Another time I won $50 and I was so happy to blow it on typewriter ribbon. Remember typewriter ribbon? The best prizes, though, were tuition scholarships. Because they bought me the ability to be completely overeducated for my SAHM self. It does not take a degree to be stressed out about leaving my babies for half a day.
Ah, yes, I did find the mommy guilt after all. PLUS a huge side helping of freak-out, such that I didn't enjoy even one minute of my half day out today. As the EGE would say, Sheesh. What a waste of babysitting dollars and breastpump batteries.
So I'm back home. We had to make up for my half day out by having extra kids over after the big girls got home from school. We loaded up Grace and Laura in my new best friend the double jogging stroller and walked to the General Store for ice cream. Our little party filled up the whole deli. Now that we've had our mint chocolate chip fix I think I'll just bask in the glow of my award.
LOL! "Congratulations" on your award! :)
Thanks for stopping by my post and your kind comments!
Happy Mother's Day!
So where is this award? Aren't you supposed to place it in the utmost spot of honor~on your blog?!
Hey, Farm Chick got her hubby off the computer on a Friday night. It must be Mother's Day weekend or sumpin'! Yeah, Lex promised me a cute icon and everything. I'm still waiting. Lex?
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