Saturday, November 1, 2008

Let The Dress-Up Begin

Princess Laura, your first masquerade ball will commence just before sunset on the 31st of October. Please be prepared for a motley assortment of costumes and an abundance of candy you will not be allowed to touch.

Your escorts include the usual suspects. A large bag of Skittles (Again, please do not eat any candy of any sort, including Sarah Skittles. Grace, as a side note, don't put any Skittles up your nose.), a Narnian White Witch, and Dorothy will be along for the ride. The King and Queen will not be in costume, but it's for your own good. They have to save up the embarrassment factor for when more of you are approaching puberty. At that point they'll probably dress as Haight Ashbury residents.

On an up note, Grandma and Grandpa (okay, it was only Grandma) went all out on the banquet. Yum, yum, jack-o-lantern sloppy joes and meatball mashed potato faces.
Please wait for Mom, I mean the Queen, to cut yours up.

All the royal cousins will partake as well. Don't worry, that'll just be ketchup on Cayden's, I mean SuperGirl's, face. The royal cousins have fun costumes too: transformers and storm troopers and Indiana Jones (such celebrity presence at this ball!), multiple princesses and superheroes. It's too bad your mommy didn't remember to ask whether she could put the royal cousins on her blog, because they were REALLY CUTE and not scary at all. It's not good to scare the princess.
Then when it's time to gather candy, Grace, I mean Dorothy, will exclaim that she and Cayden are the cutest ever! That must be why they get the most goodies EVER! The sugar high will be the highest EVER!
And before Dorothy can click her ruby slippers together three times, you'll be asleep in the coach on our way home.

Thanks Grandma and Grandpa for this fun night out. We'll be sending lots of candy with the girls when they come back for a sleepover.


Katie said...

Oh such fun!

Is the royal family going to serve candy for breakfast or will the cook be serving up Pumpkin Waffles??

Alexis said...

CUTE photos!!! I adore the one of Grace, she's just so precious.

Barb Matijevich said...

Oh my gosh, could your kids be cuter? Do I say that a lot to you?

Are you really doing NaNoWriMo? And Nablopomo? I'm up trying to decide. It kind of flies in the face of my resolve not to blog under obligation, which sort of takes all the joy out of it for me. Nanowrimo is such an amazing thing, but my parents are coming for ten days in November so...I dunno.

Of course, today I get an extra hour, right? Or do I lose one?

Shoot, apparently I don't know ANYTHING. Except that your kids are adorable.