Monday, June 22, 2009

From this side of summer

It goes by so fast. Yesterday I was browsing through all 1,865 photos from June of last year and then contemplating the fact that I'm on pace to break that record number of snaps this month in 2009. But how could I not?

Even without a wedding or a graduation to attend this June. The stopwatch quality of the changing grasses and long summer evenings are alone enough to keep the camera batteries charged. To put the miles on the Suburban.

Yesterday we dropped Madeleine and Sarah off at camp for a week. I know they're singing campfire songs and eating cinnamon rolls and making new friends while keeping the old. I know it's infinitely different to be with a preschooler and a toddler for the week than it is to parent four who range between learning to walk and running toward adolescence.


They change as quickly as the summer grasses, those girls do.



Barb Matijevich said...

This is lovely, Miriam. What a wonderful scrapbook of your happy family this blog is!

Alexis said...

LOOOOOVE your pictures. Keep em coming, I got time for another 2000 this month *grin*

PS: It was good to see ya yesterday!!