This photo pretty much sums up our life.
We're a little hobby farm... and we try at every turn to inject some comfort, luxury, 'suite' life amongst the gardening and ponies and general country muddiness that spring brings.
We're a little family of seven living large with love.
We're wearing our tulle and our rainboots
and running down the road to visit the neighbor.
We're building a bunny grooming station
and in our spare time making a Spanish-language, just-for-fun ripoff of "Monopolio"
in which, as chance may have it, you could fall off your burro and owe 200 pesos to the doctor.
in which, as chance may have it, you could fall off your burro and owe 200 pesos to the doctor.
We're spilling an entire box of cocoa powder and running for the camera instead of crying.
We're staying up late on school nights.
Because we can.
We're going to bed early with books.
Because we want to.
I'm linking up to {pretty, happy, funny, real} if I can remember to do so. (Look. I remembered. I could not, however, manage to make Like Mother Like Daughter's beautiful button work.
Blame me, not the button.)
Blame me, not the button.)
I just love that: "context of contentment in everyday life." You should too.
And I just love life.
You should too.
Not that I want to boss you or anything.
I have five children. I have enough people to boss.
I'm good with that.