Saturday, December 6, 2008

Just Me And The Girls

Madeleine turns 10 next week. That obviously calls for A&W root beer and a Coney Dog ... ordered with a flipped switch and expertly hung on the car window.
It also called for a trip to the Sylvia Beach Hotel to revel in all-night Scrabble playing and learning to knit. Just me and the big girls.
Knitting and Scrabbling around in the E.B. White room of the greatest book-lovers hotel anywhere. Eating authentic Italian and walking on the beach. Finding tiny shells to bring home to the fairies.
I could easily flip the switch and order up a big side of angst over my oldest child turning double-digits. But for now I think I'll just be so so glad we did all that together.
For now I feel extraordinarily grateful (I know, I know, it's not even Thanksgiving anymore) that my daughters love to read and walk on the beach and play word games with me. How lucky can I get?
Oh! And there's more! I'm now a member of the Coney Dog Preservation Society. Who knew?


Alexis said...

Coney Dog Preservation Society? Just how long can you preserve one before it doesn't taste so good anymore?? Heheh! Happy Birthday Miss 10 Years old! Welcome to the big time!

Misty said...

it sounds divinely lovely! i should invest in something like this, with Genny, someday...