Thursday, May 9, 2013

If I were a gardener

 If I were a gardener I'd probably wait until the last frost date to plant those tomatoes.
 But two weeks of 80 degree days and 50 degree nights and I. just. could. not. wait.
The garden is bigger this year than last. We (the famous "royal we")
tore out the fence between the Hill at Bag End (anyone?)
and the garden in order to expand into the sunniest areas.
For reference, the fence used to be on the left side of this photo.
The fence you still see separates the horse paddock from the garden.
At least until some equine with a long neck and
a lot of determination needs a snack of corn.
There is really no way to move our garden to another area on the property
(at least without a good deal of expense and
also shuffling the chicken yard or children's play yard)
but we could and did capture a little more sunny footage for the corn and beans.
A new fence may or may not go up on the west end. I kind of like that open feeling. The deer may like it too.
 The original homesteaders here cleared (read: clear cut) the steep hillside to the back of the garden and horse paddocks. They operated a sawmill on our creek and some of the stumps are so huge (and ugly) that they have not rotted in all those decades. We are slowly replanting that hillside on the "back yard/garden" side but we have not decided what to do about the hill on the "horse" side.
Stay tuned because a good idea is bound to emerge.
Between other projects. And dance lessons. A-hem.
Composted manure enriches our raised beds and traditional tilled gardens. Amazing stuff, and free. Last year we had to purchase soil to fill the newly built raised beds because we weren't ready to use the previous owner's compost. I would not like to have to pay money again for what seemed to be mostly wood fiber.
 A very old grapevine that we discovered in the mown lawn is flourishing on its one-year-old arbor. Last year we even harvested grapes! That was a blessing to me because I was loathe to leave behind our gorgeous grape arbor at the old farmhouse. Similarly here we uncovered a 40-foot row of raspberries that were choked with grass just beyond the beautiful existing strawberry bed.
It is a happy report that the raspberries are looking great this spring as are three young blueberry plants that the sweet sellers planted not too long before we moved in.
To that berry garden we added three additional blueberry plants,
a gift from friends with a nursery, and two currant bushes.
My lavender at the front door is huge! Last year it was root-bound in a four-inch pot; this year it is competing with the already-in-residence purple columbines. Soon both will fade and be replaced by the squeal-worthy peony show.
A girl's gotta have flowers. And the odd Grecian statuette.

Are you gardening this year?


CaraDD said...

Everything looks beautiful! Go Mr. Sun! Ours is worked up and the raspberries are in. Darrin Planted his potatoes and there are loads of starts in the greenhouse...but like you I am TRYING to restrain myself until Memorial Day. The locals (who know more than me :P ) say that's when the warm things need to go in. Can I wait?? We shall see :)

Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

Wow it so green! The lavender is gorgeous.

Unknown said...

I could help you with the deer problem :)