Friday, November 20, 2009

On those days

On those days, more frequent than we might like to admit, when it's difficult to leave the flannel sheets at 5 in the morning when no one remembered to program the coffee pot...

On those days, nearly every day lately, when we run the dishwasher at least three times and the laundry runs washer-dryer-fold-dresser-hamper-repeat, hamster-like in what can only be named a vicious cycle...

And on those days, don't tell a soul, when the forgiveness of an elastic waist skirt is all the mercy one receives...

On those days I am grateful for the smallest of victories and quietest of comforts. I am compelled to watch for the last holdouts of the falling leaves finally fluttering to a damp rest and to listen for the hum of the passing school bus as my children read at the table.

I dunno. It's just so everyday. Wake and change a diaper before dawn. Start the oatmeal, check the email, return the phones to their chargers. Feed some crowing and whinnying animals and get the hem of my pants wet with dew. Inventory the hay bales and calculate how long until more will be necessary. Remind myself again to list some of the junk overflowing the shop and barn on Craigslist.

It's just so everyday, and I've not yet had a cup of coffee. Some days I want to make scones instead of oatmeal and read the paper and some yummy blogs instead of email and lesson plans.

Mr. Suite has a hand-painted sign at his office that he keeps facing out from his desk for the benefit of subcontractors who might be tempted to complain. "No Whining" it proclaims in faded black on a waxy cream background.

I think I might need to borrow that sign back home for a while. For myself.


Barb Matijevich said...

So with you. Having a hard time today with the everyday. I KNOW I am blessed but today FEELS like a struggle. This is beautifully said.

HonuGirl said...

Some days.... thanks for the idyllic view of home (referring to the photo, that is) and a few bits of life.

May I pause to imagine myself taking a short stroll to your front door; then inside to spend a long while chatting & being cozy on the couch with blankets & coffee ... no chores, no lessons, just good friends, laughter, & lots of talking!!!

a girl can dream!

Laura Paine Carr said...

Heheheh! Scrolling around tonight and landed here! What fun, and are you doing the NaNoWriMo? Oh yes, keep writing, and I love your blog and will be back!

QuiltedSimple said...

oh how true! there are days but.....sooon they will be gone when the kiddos all grow up, right?